Timestamp to Date or Date to Timestamp Converter

This converter allows you to display the equivalent of a date in a Timestamp value or to convert a Timestamp value into a date

This converter allows you to display the equivalent of a date in a Timestamp value or to convert a Timestamp value into a date

How to use the Timestamp converter?

Things are very simple with this converter
By selecting the date and time in the "Date" field, the Timestamp displayed instantly
Conversely, if you enter the Timestamp in the "Timestamp" field, the corresponding date will be displayed instantly

Why use a Timestamp value?

A Timestamp allows you to compare two dates quickly and safely by comparing integers
Indeed, with time differences or summer/winter time changes, it happens that at 2:59 a.m. plus 1 minute, it becomes 2:00 a.m., so comparing times is difficult.

What is Timestamp?

A Timestamp, or more precisely "Unix Timestamp", is a date measurement format that represents the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 (start of Unix time)
Indeed in IT, January 1, 1970 is considered the origin of time

Convert Timestamp of today's date

By tapping on the "Date" field, a calendar opens. Click on the "Now" button, you will have the Timestamp of the current date and time displayed instantly