Convert Miles to Kilometers or Kilometers to Miles

This calculator allows you to instantly calculate the equivalent of Miles mi to Kilometers km or Kilometers km to Miles mi

This calculator allows you to instantly calculate the equivalent of Miles mi to Kilometers km or Kilometers km to Miles mi

What is a Kilometer?

The Kilometer is a unit of measurement of length, recognised by the International System of Measurement
A Kilometer is worth 1,000 metres, which is why it is the unit used to calculate land distances

What is a Mile?

The Mile is a unit of measurement of length, used in the United States, the United Kingdom and various Commonwealth countries
One Mile is 1.60934 Kilometers

How to convert Miles to Kilometers?

From Miles (mi)

To calculate Kilometers from Miles, simply use the following formula:

Miles * 1.609344 = Kilometers

Example: for 5 Miles, the equivalent in kilometers is 8.04672km

5 * 1.609344 = 8.04672km

From Kilometers (km)

To calculate Miles from Kilometers, simply use the following formula:

Kilometers * 0.62137119 = Miles

Example: for 10 Kilometers, the equivalent in Miles is 6.2137119mi

10 * 0.62137119 = 6.2137119mi