Duration to number of seconds converter

This converter allows you to convert a duration into the number of equivalent seconds or to know the number of seconds in duration hour minute second

This converter allows you to convert a duration into the number of equivalent seconds or to know the number of seconds in duration hour minute second

How to use the seconds converter tool?

• To convert 3 hours 5 minutes and 10 seconds into a number of seconds, select 03:05:10 in the "Duration" field then click on the "Ok" button. The conversion into a number of seconds will be displayed automatically, i.e. 11110 seconds

• To convert 4587 seconds into duration, enter 4587 in the "Second(s)" field and its conversion into duration will be automatically displayed, i.e. 01:16:27 (1h16m27s)

How to convert duration to number of seconds?

In order to calculate the number of seconds from a duration, simply use the following formula:

(Hours * (60 * 60)) + (Minutes * 60) + Seconds = Seconds

Example : for 14:05:19, i.e. 14 hours, 5 minutes and 19 seconds, the number of seconds will be 50719:

(14 * (60 * 60)) + (5 * 60) + 19 = 50719